Most importantly a link to the Foresters Arms
Plunkett Foundation
A national charity that supports rural communities across the UK tackle the issues they face through community business. They provide practical advice, support and training to help communities establish and run successful community businesses with long-term survival rates.
The Pub Is The Hub
A not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving community services and activities. They offer advice to publicans and their communities who are looking to relocate, reopen or introduce vital services and activities in their local pub, as well as to communities considering the options for acquiring their local pub and the range of responsibilities involved.
CAMRA campaigns to save pubs from extinction. CAMRA commissioned research from Oxford University which found that people who have a local pub are happier, have more friends and feel more engaged with their local communities. Many pubs help provide space for local people to meet, tackle loneliness, and strengthen the local community.
My Community
Resources designed to help protect, save, or manage a community space or community asset in your local area.
Planning Aid
Planning Aid England offers planning advice and support to individuals and communities.
Community Ownership Fund
£150m Community Ownership Fund (COF) is for communities across the UK to help them to take ownership of assets at risk of closure. It will run until March 2025.